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Climbing Wall


Climbing Wall Instructor


Training - 2 Days

Assessment - 1 Day


Training - £150

Assessment - £100

Location: Sheffield

Instructor Ratio: 1:6 / 1:4

Experience required: 

see pre-requisites

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Leadership Course: Climbing Wall Instructor Qualification


Course Description: The Climbing Wall Instructor qualification enables experienced climbers to instruct climbing on purpose built artificial climbing walls and boulders. It is ideal for people who work at climbing walls or at venues with permanent or mobile climbing towers.


The qualification consists of 3 parts:

  • Training - A 2 day course delivered by a Climbing Wall Instructor Course Provider

  • Consolidation - a period of time after the training course, to practise and refine the skills learnt

  • Assessment - 1 day assessment with a Climbing Wall Instructor Course Provider


The course will focus on the following syllabus areas:


  • Technical competence

  • Management and decision making

  • Teaching and learning skills

  • The climbing environment


Registration pre-requisites: 

  • You must be at least 17 years old (18 at assessment).

  • You should have at least 6 months of experience of using a variety of climbing walls.

  • You should have an interest in climbing and in supervising groups on climbing walls.

  • You must be a member of a mountaineering council (British Mountaineering Council, Mountaineering Ireland, Mountaineering Scotland).


Training pre-requisites:

  • You must be registered on the qualification.

  • You must have an understanding of the wider sport of climbing.

  • You must have an up-to-date logbook (preferably DLOG) with evidence of the following:

    • Visits to 3 different climbing walls on at least 15 different occasions; this must include at least one major public wall.

    • 10 led routes at Fr 4 on walls



What to bring

  • ​Harness
  • Climbing shoes

  • Belay device

  • Chalk

  • Single rope

  • Food and drink for the day

  • Note pad and pen


Location and Travel Arrangements: 

Courses will be delivered acrooss the Sheffield Climbing Walls. Specific venues and meeting times will be given with your booking confirmation.





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